We Have the money of course, be it money from the fruits of our labor and money that was available to us. However, the money should have different functions, both for the future, the present and for purposes that are sudden.
Therefore, how to save money over there now?
Many people are not able to save money well, or use the money properly. They find difficulty in managing their money, they are always confused, where he gets all this money? Let's look at how to save money safely and properly.
First, note your expenses. Write down every expense you do, even if only one cent. Note! Note! and Note! Why? because then you can make the conclusion and subsequent changes in time so as not to put any of your money.
Second, avoid Consumptive properties. If you are already accustomed to the type of person and consumer, then you have to fight it. See new stuff all of a sudden desire to build up and wanted to buy, is a disease of people who are successful. Choose which one you need about and distinguish which is the desire.
Third, when the money you get. So, first you have to think about is whether you have debts? then pay your debts. After that, you need to see your records, this month, the money was set aside. If there is still remaining, divide into several parts, namely: For Social and religion as a concern for others, in the tube for sure in the future, and finally separate one part of the model for abrupt and sudden.
Thus, you can enjoy all the easy, you'll wake up with no financial need as if we confused where our money is lost. Badar
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